

During its 22-year existence, Conreso has made essential contributions to crucial development programs and new approvals in Europe and the United States.

Four Conreso studies were subject to FDA inspections. In the last "establishment inspection report" (EIR) they announced:
"In general, cro muenchen maintains excellent records. cro muenchen's records are legible, contain thorough and detailed information, and are very well organized." 

Examplary mentoring

Conreso has supported the advancement of junior researchers in the clinical research sector from the start. This also includes the recruitment of university graduates without prior work experience and their intensive in-house training.



We support working mothers of our academic staff by providing work-at-home opportunities for them after the birth of their child. T

his helps us retain our highly valued colleagues and helps them maintain their occupational status.

A specially designed "mother and child office" provides the opportunity to also bring a child along to work, should the situation arise.